The Project
The research is centred around the question What Constitutes a Bat-Friendly Breathable Roofing Membrane? The project was set up following reports of bats becoming entangled in fibres that had been pulled loose from breathable roofing membranes (BRMs). Since then, further concerns over microclimate and membrane longevity have been raised. While there are currently no definitive answers to this important question, it is hoped this project will help develop clear guidelines for the use of BRMs in bat roosts.
Bat Entanglement Statement
Due to our membrane being part of the research for the past couple of years, Stacey has kindly approved the statement detailed below:
Links for additional information
“A regularly asked question of the Bat Conservation Trust is ‘which breathable roofing membranes are suitable for use in bat roosts?
Stacey Waring at the University of Reading has researched this area and concluded that all non-woven breathable roofing membranes (BRMs) pose an entanglement threat to bats. This is due to the continuous polypropylene filaments that make up these products.
Thatch Firewall supplied by Thatching Advisory Services, however, is made from woven fibreglass which is then coated. Stacey Waring has confirmed that this membrane has no filaments that pose any entanglement risk to bats.”
It was also pointed out that in terms of bats, it is important to stress that our Thatch Firewall Membrane is not a traditional breathable roofing membrane, but a fire barrier membrane that happens to breathe!