Thatch Fireboard
A 9mm calcium silicate board offering a one-hour ire barrier in accordance with BS476: Part 3: 2004 and CEN/TS 1187: 2012.
Find out more about Thatch Fireboard.

Thatch Firewall Membrane
The membrane which carries the same testing and one-hour fire rating as the Thatch Fireboard is mostly used on existing buildings where the roof timbers may not be suitable to install a rigid fireboard.
Find out more about Thatch Firewall Membrane.

Thatchbatts ®
Installed between the rafters on the underside of the thatch and in conjunction with either the Thatch Fireboards or Thatch Firewall Membrane to product a comprehensive fire barrier.
Find out more about Thatchbatts®

Thatchsayf – Fire Retardant Spray
Can be applied to both a new or existing thatched roof to reduce and slow down the spread of flame in the event of sparks or embers landing on the thatch.
Find out more about Thatchsayf.
Thatch Advice
We continue to provide a single source of information for architects, builders, surveyors, thatchers and property owners.
Whether it is a new build, extension or re-thatch project, we can provide information on current building regulations and which fire barriers and systems are best suited to each individual project.